11 days. 1 life-changing experience

The Annie Moses Summer Music Festival is an intensive multi-disciplinary summer camp held outside Nashville, TN. Founded 20 years ago by Juilliard-trained music industry veterans, the Festival is centered on the purpose of the Annie Moses Foundation: to raise up a new generation skilled in their craft, who can glorify God through their practice of the Arts. There is no other event that brings together such a dedication to excellence and commitment to the Christian faith. Together, we are building a community of young families with a common calling and dedication to Christ.

space is limited.  APPLICATION period begins tuesday, feb. 11!

Upper Division

Ages 11+

Minimum One Year Experience Recommended

july 9-19

  • Performance Intensive with world-renowned coaches & directors
  • Bespoke program custom-tailored to create exciting and challenging performance opportunities for every student.
  • Dynamic community of like-minded creators dedicated to deepening their faith and their art.
  • For young people who want to develop their skill as artists and performing musicians.
  • 3 day opening Technical Intensive with 2 private lessons and master classes.
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july 9-11

  • Learn the spiritual and psychological power of artistic excellence in a child.
  • Study with Robin Wolaver, author of "Nurturing Artistic Success in Children" and "The Song of Annie Moses".
  • Discover:

    - How to inspire a child's obedience with love.
    - The art of willing and effective practice.
    - The virtue of the virtuoso.
    - The natural benefits and practices of prayer.
    - How the arts cultivate persuasive speech.
    - Why music transforms brain and language development.
    - How to raise a fearless child.
    - Why we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14).
    - How to choose the best instrument for your child.
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Younger Division

Ages 6-10

All Skill Levels

July 9-13

  • Perform an original Broadway-style musical utilizing a multiplicity of skills
  • Unites Violin, Viola, Cello, Guitar, & Piano with Singing, Drama, & Dance.
  • Parent or Guardian Attendance Required
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MINI Division

Ages 4-6

All Skill Levels

july 9-13

  • A special half-day track for the very young
  • Takes part in the Younger Division show
  • Parent or Guardian Attendance Required
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A Message from Annie Dupre, Festival Director

The performing arts are a powerful force in the modern world. A hundred years ago, you might have heard a singer in a recital hall or on the radio. Today innumerable platforms give us unparalleled access to creative content. 

At the same time artists find it more difficult than ever to make their presence felt in the marketplace. Music education exists in a no-man’s-land of high tuition, anemic excellence, and an inability to engage a market that changes in months, not years.  But most critically, the performing arts today lack any call higher than self-promotion or political posturing. Why do we create? What is the purpose of our music?

Christianity provides us with an answer: to glorify the Creator through our own creativity. The artist who is best equipped to do this is one who has a wide variety of skill sets. They not only perform, but write music. They are not only bound to a single genre, but can work in all genres. They can notate and educate, produce and perform, record, and most of all, root their art in the rich soil of Christian spirituality. 

This is how we will reclaim a darkening world for Christ: by unleashing the beauty of truth with excellence.
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